Roast AIRoast AI

Reach further. Earn more.

Connect with your fans like never before

We help talent give their fans personalized generative AI experiences. See how hundreds of fans are already enjoying Roast AI to send videos to their friends & family.

We train your model

We train machine learning models for you based on your provided voice and video data. You set the rules for how your model can be used.

You earn royalties

We help you monetize your generative model by offering it to fans who want to create videos with your likeness. 95% of users report sending videos to close friends & family.

Personalized for every fan

Fans send each other videos, and you earn royalties each time. It's like you're in the room with them.

Our mission

Generate $1B for entertainers

Personalized generative experiences are magical. We make it possibe for every entertainer to bring them to their fans.

Comedian ticket sales (2024)
Upfront cost
Delighted users

Let's talk shop

Contact our team to discuss opportunities for your talent.

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“I created a custom script for Ricky to read for a company offsite this weekend. He smashed it, it was absolutely a hit. No one knew what to expect when I put the video up. Quite a few laugh out loud moments. I will definitely be creating more roasts.”

Jack, N
Product Manager